Channel: RE:ANIME
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: best animehisoka vshisokagon vsgonhunter x hunter fightreanimetop 10heavens arena hunter x hunterhisoka vs gongon vs pitouupcoming anime 2021anime topstop 10 animenew animewinter 2021 animeanime listbest anime 2021top animehunter x hunterhunter mangahunter x hunter reactionheavens arenabest anime to watchkilluaanime 2021top anime 2021gon vs hisokarecommended animeanime
Description: Hunter x Hunter - Anime Side by Side | RE:Anime Support Cool Shirtz: - 10% CODE: HUNTER Directed by Josh Mabie Support us on Patreon! Gon (Jackie Tran): Hisoka (Yoshi Sudarso): Follow RE:ANIME socials: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: General Inquiries: Business Inquiries: Brand Inquiries: About RE:Anime: Created by Anime super fan, producer, and director, Nik Shaw, RE:Anime™ was born of an infectious passion for the culture and characters of Anime as well as out of frustration with the way major studios have misrepresented essential Anime values and characters in live-action productions. Nik believes staying true to the authenticity and the core roots is the best path to success. The mission is clear - to adapt fan-favorite Anime programs into high-quality live-action films while representing the culture and characters that are true to each story and each Anime’s intended values. The goal - Work with Hollywood Execs, Studios, and Streamers to adapt anime into live-action.